I hope you’re here because you’re overwhelmed. Not because I wish “overwhelm” on anyone, but because that could mean one of several things:

  • You have more work than you can handle at the moment. I can help you with that!
  • Your agency is growing and you need to add staff, but you’re not ready yet to commit to hiring a new employee. I can help you with that!
  • You have a client toying with the idea of bringing all their marketing in-house, and you hate to lose them! I can help you with that!
  • You have a project that is outside your comfort zone and you need some expert input. I can help you with that!
  • You’re just curious about the copywriter who keeps sending you those snail mail notes. (Psst! If you haven’t received any snail mail notes, contact me and I will add you to my “agencies I’d like to work with” list. It’s a short list, but you’ll be glad you made it!)

Thanks for stopping by — your time is valuable and I appreciate you spending a few minutes with me here.